Virgin Voyages Updates Group Booking Program Based on Travel Advisor Feedback

Virgin Voyages

Virgin Voyages is rolling out a new program designed to make group bookings easier for travel advisors.
The cruise line is updating its “Circles” program, which it has renamed the “Circles, Groups, and Weddings” program. Based on feedback from travel advisors, Virgin Voyages is revamping the program to make it more flexible and rewarding.

“We made a commitment to our travel advisor community to always take feedback and turn it into action,” says Nirmal Saverimuttu, chief executive officer of Virgin Voyages. “This new program is a direct result of listening, learning and making improvements. The community is everything to us as we build this brand together and celebrate a record-breaking wave season.”

Travelers who book their group trips through a travel advisor can also enjoy additional benefits, including a discount of up to 10 percent. Other perks include up to $300 in free drinks and a dedicated group dinner at one of Virgin’s six restaurants.

Moving forward, Circles bookings will have no required cabin minimum and no required deposit. Other updates include richer combinability, including My Next Virgin Voyage, as well as price and promotion protection. Travel advisors can also choose between a 2 percent bonus commission or a free balcony cabin once they book at least 10 cabins.

Groups bookings, which are designed for travel advisors who already have a group ready to book, will have an eight cabin minimum but no required deposit. These bookings are now eligible for a 30-day hold and include onboard bar tab options, as well as price and promotion protection.

Weddings bookings, which are intended for groups who want to join a wedding celebration aboard one of Virgin Voyages’ ships, will have no minimum cabin requirement.

They’ll also be eligible for a 30-day hold and include onboard bar tab options, as well as price and promotion protection.
“Thanks to our incredible [travel advisors] we are having a record wave season with a more than 60% increase in revenue from February of last year, and a more than 80% increase coming specifically from our dedicated travel partners,” says Saverimuttu.

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